Visar inlägg med etikett marilyn monroe. Visa alla inlägg
Visar inlägg med etikett marilyn monroe. Visa alla inlägg


My thoughts on black coffee & Marilyn Monroe




You know when you really need to get something done!? Well, I reckon there's nothing quite like a cup (or bucket) of black coffee to make it happen, maybe a bit of determination, willpower and work ethic will help, but in the end I still think it all comes down to the coffee.

As for my slight obsession with Marilyn Monroe lately, it's due to the fact that a friend have fixed us up with tickets to the show "Marilyn Forever Blonde" in a couple of weeks, and I am so, so excited about that! And also, obviously, she's amazingly gorgeous and I love and can't get enough of all the old photos of her!

On the other hand



I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life walking around barefoot on the beach ...


Snack time



I pretty much love everything food related really (washing up after a meal not included)


In a world with to many options

As you may have noticed I've changed the look of the blog slightly. I'm not sure that I am a hundred percent happy with it, but to be honest I can't be bothered to change it back, so I'll just sleep on it and see how I feel about it in the morning. Night night!


And ten points goes to - Sofi!

I've been really really good today, honestly, I'm so proud of myself! Which is why, I am now going to treat myself to a glass of red & a book.